Last reviewed on 29 January 2024
Statutory/mandatory for: Academies Free schools

Be clear about the requirements for a whistle-blowing policy in your school or trust, and get guidance on what to include. Download and adapt our model policy to fit your trust's context, and see examples of policies from other schools.

Trusts: download and adapt our model policy

Adapt our template with your own procedures and scheme of delegation.

This model policy has been approved by Forbes Solicitors, to take account of relevant requirements and good practice, and to help you stay compliant. 

There's no statutory requirement for how often you need to review this policy, so it's up to you to decide.

We recommend setting this as a trust-wide policy, with no local amendments by schools, because this should be a procedure that's consistent across your whole trust.

If you're unsure about whether to centralise or delegate certain policies, use our guidance to support your approach.

Academies must have whistle-blowing procedures

Your trust must have whistle-blowing procedures to protect staff who report individuals they believe are doing something wrong or illegal. 

Your trust should appoint at least 1 trustee and 1 member of staff who other